Article 47 A term of fixed-term imprisonment shall be counted from the date the judgment begins to be executed; if the criminal is held in custody before the execution of the judgment, one day in custody shall be considered one day of the term sentenced. 第四十七条有期徒刑的刑期,从判决执行之日起计算;判决执行以前先行羁押的,羁押一日折抵刑期一日。
Is a warning usually given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody. 米兰达警告是美国警察对警方扣留的嫌犯说的话。那么,为什么这个被称为“米兰达警告”呢?
Other defenders, with permission of the People's Procuratorate, may also consult, extract and duplicate the above-mentioned material, meet and correspond with the criminal suspect in custody. 其他辩护人经人民检察院许可,也可以查阅、抄、制上述材料,同在押的犯罪嫌疑人会见和通信。
When acting as defenders in criminal cases, lawyers may meet and correspond with the defendants held in custody. 律师担任刑事辩护人时,可以同在押的被告人会见和通信。
Chapter 2 puts a research on some theoretic issues of such crime and holds the definition of such crime of releasing the criminal person held in custody without authorization. 第二章罪篇就该罪的一些理论问题进行研究,认为本罪罪名应定为私放刑事在押人员罪。
The Chinese guarantor pending trail system was developed from the Criminal Procedure Law of the year of 1979, which defined that it is an enforcement measure in parallel with custody and arrest. 我国现行取保候审制度是从1979年刑事诉讼法发展来的,法律将取保候审定性为与拘留、逮捕并列的强制措施。
It is necessary to give reasonable limitation on the right of meeting and communication for criminal in custody under certain conditions and on the basis of exception. 对会见交流权的合理的限制是必要的,但必须遵守一定的条件并以例外为原则。
The right of meeting and communication for criminal in custody has dual meaning& right for personal freedom and right for lawsuit, which must be confirmed and ensured by criminal law. 被刑事羁押者的会见交流权具有人身自由权与诉讼权的双重性,必须由刑事法律加以确认和保障。
On the Right of Meeting and Communication for Criminal in Custody 论被刑事羁押者的会见交流权
The subjects of confession of remaining crimes undiscovered are the criminal suspects, the accused in custody, and the criminals serving sentences. 成立余罪自首的主体为被采取强制措施的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人和正在服刑的罪犯。
Arrest is the severest criminal precautionary measure in our country, its applicability not only means that a long time custody procedure has started, also marked the public power has intervened to the basic rights of all citizens. 逮捕作为我国刑事强制措施中最为严厉的一种,它的适用不仅意味着一段较长时间羁押的程序已经启动,还标志着公权力已经介入到公民最基本的宪法性权利之中。
Along with the national modernization construction of the rule of acceleration, the countries of the criminal litigation in legislation, everyone started to more and more value to detain deadline system, especially the extended custody system of laws and regulations. 随着国家现代化法治建设的步伐不断加快,各个国家的刑事诉讼在立法方面,都开始越来越看重对羁押期限制度特别是延长羁押制度的法律规定。
Arrest is the severest criminal compulsory measures, severity is embodied in the judicial organs according to law within the statutory time limit deprived of personal freedom of suspects and defendants and custody review. 逮捕是最严厉的刑事强制措施,严厉性体现在司法机关在法定期限内依法剥夺犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身自由并进行羁押审查。